lunes, 26 de junio de 2017

Not enough water distribution

In the Environmental Managment class we are studying the water cycle. We were asked to write a paragraph about distribution of water and why it is important. Here is my paragraph.

All over the world there is water, but the distribution of fresh water is a big problem. Many countries are available to have rich amount of it, for example Russia is very large, having plenty of land for the rain to fall on. Canada, USA, China and Brazil are also countries that have large areas for water. Brazil have 5190 km of amount of renewable fresh water resources per year. The rainfall fill rivers and underground stores, however precipitation itself varies greatly from place to place.
Water-poor countries are dominated by desert countries. These countries are more likely to suffer water stress, this means worries over present and future water supplies. Poor countries manage to obtain water by taking out the salt of sea water, this process is called desalinisation. Also they pump up water to the surface from underground stores called aquifers.
Besides precipitation as a problem, population is another problem. Population is increasing rapidly as the water consumption. In the twentieth century world water use increased seven times. This growth is a huge problem because more water is going to be used for crops (irrigation), more water used in homes.
Finally, in my opinion this is a serious problem because we are overusing water. We can stop overusing it by for ex. when you brush your teeth, don't let the bobbin with running water. Another example is less time in the shower, just shower yourself and don't stay in the shower  for too long. By doing things like this we can save water.

Resultado de imagen para freshwater

2 comentarios:

  1. Good job, Alan! I quite agree with you. Be careful when you write about desalination. It's not poor countries the ones which develop that process. It's water-poor countries the ones that do so but they are rich countries such as Saudi Arabia, UAE. As regards the increase in water use, one of the reasons is the increase in population and not the other way around as it's understood from what you've written.
